This Site Is A WIP

Autism be damned, my girl can make a website. Welcome to my personal site / blog. I am trying to update every day, but sometimes my not very busy life still gets in the way :3, points for effort! You can find out more about me in the 'About' page, or what I've been working on in - an as-of-yet woefully underused and out of date page - 'Projects,' or my life in 'Blog.'

A simple pixel art gif of a calico cat dancing, holding a pink flower. Oh hell yeah baby a little gif for me. A simple pixel art gif of a cream coloured cat dancing, holding a red rose.

Hi! I'm not entirely sure how people find this site, but hello! You are viewing a version of me as intended for my own eyes, with all of the pre-existing knowledge that entails; I talk a lot here, in a lot of ways more impassioned than actually articulate, and only some of this is representative of what I or my feelings look like when properly elaborated on! Anyway. Something is definitely lost in translation even in writing this little PSA, but isn't it nice to try regardless :]? Thanks for stopping by 💛.

09.10/2023: I just realised the music player doesn't actually pause. I'll get on that, eventually!