Yay Yippie
Date: Thursday, 1st June 2023 Topic: ChattingI realise that dipping out for a couple of days immediately after posting about The Horrors makes it look as though I've been beset upon all sides by misery, but fear not! I got hit with a few bad pain days in a row so ocd has had nothing on me ^__^. Chronic illness lifehack; you cannot be at your lowest mentally if you're busy cursing out God and every living thing in vengeance < growth mindset.
Things won't be perfect on that front forever, but I'm going to focus on what I do actually enjoy about summer (and yes, there is something, surprisingly) - holidays! We're going on holiday this month :] before the schools have their summer holidays so it'll blessedly be less busy. I'm looking forward to it. My sister was having an episode last time we went, but she's doing good right now so I'm staying optimistic about her having a better time this year. She's excited. I think all of us are, really.
So, regardless of anything else, there's this to look forward to: I get to be on a boat soon and literally nothing besides that matters in the world. Let's hope I remember that cheer when it's time to pack!