Date: Friday, 2nd June 2023 Topic: ChattingThe new Don't Starve Together beta dropped whilst I was asleep, so today I got to experience that news in the form of a frantic series of messages from my friend Alice immediately after waking up. Warranted, though. I have nothing unique or interesting to say on what this means for the lore, or what could happen in the next update, or how I think this storyline will be concluded, because I am busy going insane.
They're gonna have to send me to the glue factory at this point, I'm losing it, I've never been this undone by an update before < a sentiment I've felt after pretty much every update since April 2022. Good lord. I don't know what sort of surprises I still expected there to be after they fucking tossed Wagstaff in, but Klei wins again! Christ! The next animated short is going to hospitalise me like a sickly Victorian dame.
It's genuinely a tragedy that writing is so hard for me right now, because this is the near-reunion I've been ready to die for since the 'Next Of Kin' short, and I should already be 3k into some incomprehensible little fic about it by now. Useless. I miss writing, both creative and fanfiction, I miss all of it. I haven't written anything since January, disregarding the rambling I shoved off under the 'Miscellaneous' page. I'd like to make something about this. I'd like things to be easier again. One day, right?