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Date: Monday, 6th November 2023

Topic: Chatting

"Oh I'll write up a post when I get home-" And then I didn't. Returned from my gran's quite a few days ago, and then got far too caught up in finishing Breaking Bad, and my sister getting sick. Again. How many fucking times can you get tonsilitis? It's unreal. You are being spared my hours of fervent, near-incoherent rambling about that show (and El Camino) because I've gotten distracted by aimlessly writing a little fic to keep myself sane. I'm very pleased. Motivation to write is scarce these days, and even if it's not creative writing, at least fanfiction is still writing! Let's hope this one pans out, hmmm?

Anyway. I've been having an alright time. Been continuing to talk to my friends, which is always a good sign :3. Created and still working on a chart which briefly summarises the main cast of my own characters and how they relate to eachother - this has done genuine wonders for me, because it's so much easier to conceptualise all these different stories happening in the same world if I give them moments of overlap, and characterisation is easier because going okay what if ___ and ___ interacted how would that relationship play out? I am having a blast btw. I feel like I need a red string board. Had family from England come visiting. Accompanied my sister to university one day and just sat in costa whilst she was in class, which was fun. We're watching some season 2 episodes of Criminal Minds because she doesn't have the energy to pay much attention to something new, and I'm seeing them for the first time which is good for me. Lazy days.

I'm going to make a cheese toastie and hot chocolate. I love cold weather. Bye.